MiG in the Morning
This weekend's
airshow meant that Westfield played host to a number of distinctive aerial guests. The Thunderbirds lead the bill, followed by the usual collection of military and civilian displays as well as a small gaggle of warbirds. One of the more unusual performers arrived earlier this week, and it was impossible to miss such a brightly colored addition to the ramp. This is why one always brings a camera when going to the airport, even if it's just to fetch a headset left in the plane from the previous day's lesson.

This crimson critter is a
MiG-17F, formerly of the Polish Air Force. It defended its corner of the Iron Curtain for 25 years before being retired in the mid 1970's. It eventually made it's way to the United Sates, and it now spends its retirement in the service of
Red Bull, selling energy drinks.

The nose carries the company's charging bull logo and is fitted with more than enough armament to terrorize the typical class D airport.

The wing racks now carry smoke pods to enhance the MiG's visibility during airshow performances.

The MiG-17 was a follow-on to the
MiG-15, with which it shares a very strong family resemblance. The 17 is larger, with a more powerful engine, but the overall lines changed very little.

From this angle, it looks like a slightly pudgy

The markings recall those worn by demonstration teams of the USSR. There are about 9 MiG-17's (Polish designation: LIM-5) on the
US registry. Most of them have "17" somewhere in their N-numbers.

The MiG is accompanied by this more sedately marked Piper Cherokee Six. Both aircraft are operated by an outfit called
MiG Magic, based in Las Vegas, and are popular attractions at airshows nationwide. The Red Bull company operates a
small fleet of aircraft, including an assortment of restored classics. They also host the spectacular
Red Bull Air Race, which can be described as a high powered combination of pylon racing and aerobatics. And if that's not enough, they sponsor a bewildering variety of activities ranging from athletics to auto racing and even a music academy.

Drink Red Bull, the official athletic beverage of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!