Saturday, December 31, 2005
The Year of the Yellowbird - 2005
2005 was a busy year for the Yellowbird. It saw a number of new milestones, new friends made (and lost) and the fulfillment of a goal that was part of my justification for owning an airplane.
First, the statistics. We flew a total of 168 hours, well above my budget of 100 hours per year. January and December were the leanest months, both seeing few than five hours due to the winter weather, and September was the busiest with nearly 32 hours. New personal records were set for altitude (12,000 feet MSL) and groundspeed (187 mph). Fourteen new airports were explored, and 213 takeoffs and landings were made. A little over 1,500 gallons of 100LL avgas were consumed, and you don't want to know how much that cost.

In June we started flight training toward the instrument rating, and passed the checkride in December. The frequent training flights were the reason for exceeding our hourly flying budget for the year, and included 63 hours flown in simulated instrument conditions and 13 flown in actual. The pursuit and completion of the instrument rating were among my reasons for buying Yellowbird nearly two years ago.
The completion of the instrument rating was a major milestone for the year, and I hope to be able to make use of it for many years to come. It came at a considerable cost in time, effort, and resources expended, and the valuable training and experience gained should be worth the expense. Yet, for all that was put into the preparations, I suspect that the memory of my checkride will soon fade into the general blur that has encompassed the prior six months of training lessons.

Hey Scottie,
That's a great picture of your dad. I'd seen it before but don't believe I posted. I love it because it display complete contentment and I'm sure there's a little pride in there too that his son's a pilot and owns his own plane. It had to be a very special moment indeed to take him up. So, when do I get a ride? Hanscom's pretty close to you! :)